The Crop

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Aurea Imaging is a leading crop intelligence provider for fruit growers and breeders with activities in the EU, North America, New Zealand and South Africa. Combining innovative deep learning, sensor technology and agronomy, Aurea enables variable rate applications in the orchard, unlocking the potential of each and every tree.

The practicality of Aurea’s analytics and actual integration with our orchard applications is quite unique and drove our decision to work with them.
James Simpson

Managing Director at Adrian Scripps ltd, the UK

Aurea Imaging’s digital phenotyping has been part of our breeding process for several years – reliable and accurate results strengthens our scoring and selection process significantly.
Jeroen Bakker

Head of Breeding Fresh Markets at HZPC

We’ve been using Aurea’s blossom and vigour maps for several seasons already. The impact was already noticeable after just 1 season, with more uniformity and improved returns on our blocks.
Sander Verstegen

owner Verstegen Fruit

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Fruit Growers



Fruit Growers

Orchards can have a lot of variation between trees. Managing orchards on individual tree level greatly improves efficiency, homogeneity, and production, while reducing the use of inputs and improving biodiversity.

Aurea’s unique data analysis uses drones, sensors and artificial intelligence to monitor growth, flowering and production, enabling optimal management of orchards on individual tree level. Our prescription maps integrate with most major brands of sprayer and spreader equipment.

Our products:

  • Fruit thinning based on blossom maps

    Click to watch video

  • Vigour mapping & growth regulator
  • Disease detection such as pear decline


Throughout the entire breeding cycle, Aurea’s drone phenotyping technology enables collection of accurate and consistent crop characteristics at plant-level. Our products ensure that this massive data collection is made easily accessible and applicable in the programs of breeding companies:

  • Plant counting and emergence statistics
  • Monitoring vegetation development, canopy height and health
  • Detection of specific plant traits such as flowers (count, area, size)


Aurea’s precision orchard solutions find their way to orchards as we work with growers, crop consultants and equipment manufacturers worldwide. Conventional and digital agronomy complement and reinforce each other. Orchard specifics and growers’ preferences can be incorporated in our prescription maps.

If you are interested in working with Aurea’s maps and becoming a partner, please let us know!



Our technology combines the latest in edge processing, deep learning and sensor technology. Through in-house development and research projects with leading universities around the world, we develop our agronomic intelligence products to serve growers throughout the world. Our products are validated by scientific institutes and are served globally through our cloud platform, but integrate well with most farm management systems.

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Join our mission!

Since 2016, we’ve been working on tangible improvements and solutions for actual problems in agriculture together with partners across the globe. Aurea’s growing team is practical and flexible, and its members have a background in software engineering, geographic information systems and agriculture in support of our R&D, operations and Customer facing teams. The diversity of our team is the essential ingredient in pursuing Aurea’s mission:

“Empower growers of today with the sustainable orchard of the future”.

We always like to get in touch with motivated candidates that would like to be part of Aurea’s journey. We regularly have specific openings across our development, operations and sales teams, so make sure to check this space regularly.